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Astrological/ Kundali Match of the Core Team/ Main Cast & Crew

Understanding your astral relation with your business partner or the core movie team/main cast & crew – i.e., lead actors, director, producer, singer, music director, editor etc, is very important as mismatch may lead to not achieving the desired success. We in Astrokapoor have experts who are providing astrological services & remedies to bollywood industry. Once the core team is decided our astrologers study and analyze the kundali competency of each member with other. A detail analysis is done studying comparing various factors such as:-

  1. Significance of Mercury
  2. Significance of Venus
  3. Strong Saturn at least in one of the team’s chart
  4. Significance of Sun
  5. Moon sign compatibility
  6. Sun sign

All these planetary positions and their effect are studied very minutely. In case of any mismatch factors is noticed, which may affect the smooth production of the movie or successful release of movie, appropriate remedies are recommended to the concern/concerns to perform before the initiation of movie shooting. These remedies, many a times, are needed to be repeated once in a month or once in a three months time or so on; our team gives a support thus sending reminder mails/messages to the client before the due date of performing the remedy.

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