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Compatibility Analysis of the Head-Owner of the company and Directors-Partners For successful, stable & long lasting business, compatibility analysis is essential to see the synchronization of team including partner, share holders, board of director/top management and financial strength between partnerships. This is the first analysis in corporate astrology since any commotion in team at management level can be a critical concern in the business growth disturbing business strategies/plan, financial distribution and plan etc. It is also necessary to analyse whether existing partnership are fruitful. Not only analysis our corporate astrologer provides remedies to overcome the hurdles (if any), also gives advice with respect to business partnership and remedial measures/advice for being successful in any business association/ relationships/partnership.

One of our best Astrologer Prashant Kapoor has got recognition worldwide in Corporate Astrology. He himself being an IT professional, having an experience of 10 years, is capable of understanding the corporate culture and management, eventually gives the best corporate solution covering team management, project management, business strategies and partnership. He is giving his corporate solutions to IT companies, Real estate companies, factories/industries, hospitals/health industries, film industries, politicians, media, show business etc. Due to his pure quality, expertise, desire for continuous enhancement of knowledge and worth mentioning his result oriented approach led him to achieve success and recognition in Corporate World as a renowned Corporate Astrologer.Companies who wish to know more about this astrological service ‘Compatibility Analysis of the Head/Owner of the company & Directors/Partners’ offered by AstroKapoor group for Corporate Astrology can visit the CORPORATEASTROLOGYConsultation fee for this service ‘Compatibility Analysis of the Head/Owner of the company & Directors/Partners’ report. a. 100 USD individual case. b. 3000 USD up to five hundred employees as yearly package. Note* Additional charges will be applicable as number of employee increases.

Corporate Astrology
