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Delivery Time - 5 Days Astrology Consultation for Obesity Treatment - Astro Talk with Medical Astrologer - Prashant Kapoor

Medical Astrology Solutions for Obesity:

Do you know what is obesity? I know that everybody knows it. Have you ever seen obese people going for consultation with a medical astrologer instead of a dietician or allopathic doctor? Yes, these days’ people are approaching Medical astrologer for the treatment of obesity. The reason behind that when these people lose all hope from everywhere finally they try to test medial astrologers because allopathy may have side effects, dietician’s diet plan may be too strict and exercise may not be as easy as it seems. So Finally they try to test medical astrologer and I am very happy to announce this the cases I have been handling they actually got successful results.

How does Medical Astrology work in Obesity?

Medical Astrology doesn’t recommend any strict diet plan like dietician and allopathic doctors because according to us body requires all the nutrition’s. If we recommend somebody to leave some particular kind of food the body may not be able to accept it after a person loses weight and start eating those things again. So everything should be taken in a very balanced way but they should not be left altogether. In short, excess of anything is not good so whether your fatty, thin or fit, eating anything in limit infect in a good limit is always recommended.

How to find the root cause?

It is very important to find the root cause of any problem before proceeding for treatment. Planetary positions in the chart help finding the root cause of the problem like Ratio of Vata, Pita, Kafa is measure from the placement of planets in the chart and in which Vata plays very important role describing the exact problem. In short – fifth house, its significator and Jupiter plays an important role in obesity and affliction on this by Saturn and Ketu which are poisonous planets cause obesity.

Medical Astrology Solutions:

  1. Ayurvedic Medicine – Which is specially prepared for an individual. Dhanvantari Rishi had invented one thousand formulas of each single disease and the same is chosen on an individual case to fix the root cause of the problem.
  2. Diet Plan – We do make only minor changes in the diet being taken by an individual. Also we don’t restrict obese people consuming Ghee and Rice.
  3. Pranayam and Exercise – We recommend very simple ways of pranayama along with simple exercise as an individual case.
  4. Balanced diet – In which no dieting is recommended.
  5. Astrological Solutions – for strengthening the weakest planets are responsible for obesity.
  6. Astrological Case Studies for Obesity - Check the Videos and also our soon we are going to launch our new section with case studies

Ayurvedic Treatment of Obesity

Obesity is a disease that involves an excessive amount of body fat which looks irrelevant.  Obesity isn't just a cosmetic concern but it is a medical problem that can increases the risk of other diseases and health problems, such as heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and certain cancers. Varied reasons for obesity have been found, but it usually results from the combination of inherited factors such as environment and personal diet and exercise choices. Ayurvedic treatment of obesity involves the use of various herbs to cure the reason for this symptom.

Symptoms of Obesity

Obesity is diagnosed when our body mass index (BMI) is 30 or higher. To determine the body mass index, we have to divide weight in pounds by our height in inches squared and multiply it by 703 BMI.

Given below is an example that shows the weight status according to the body mass index.

                Weight status

Below 18.5                      Underweight

18.5-24.9                           Normal

25.0-29.9                           Overweight

30.0 and higher                 Obesity

Several people in the world have a reasonable estimate of body fat. However, BMI doesn’t directly measure body fat, so some people, such as athletes, may have a BMI in the obesity category even though they don’t have excess body fat.


There are several genetic factors involves in obesity such as behavioral, metabolic and hormonal influences when there is a concern for more calories than we burn.

Risk factors

Obesity usually results from a combination of causes and contributing factors:

Family inheritance and influences

Genes that we inherit from our parents may affect the amount of body fat that we store, and where that fat is distributed. Genetics may also play a very important role in how effectively our body converts food into energy, and how our body regulates our appetite and how our body burns calories during exercise.

Lifestyle choices

Unhealthy diet – Diet rich in calories and lacking fruits and vegetables, full of fast food and laden with high-calorie diet.

Liquid calories -  People drink many calories especially from alcohol, sugar beverages and soft drinks.

Inactivity – Sedentary lifestyle also leads to increase in weight.

Certain diseases and medications

Some people suffer from obesity because of their previous medical record, such as pader-Willi syndrome and other conditions. Arthritis can also lead to decreased activity which may result in weight gain. Socio and economic factors also lead to weight gain due to inactivity. Avoiding obesity is difficult if we don’t have safe areas to walk or exercise.


There is no age for obesity, it can occur even in young children. But as of our age, hormonal changes and a less active lifestyle can increase the risk of obesity. In addition to this, the amount of muscles and the muscular activity also reduces the weight and the mass. Generally, lower muscle mass leads to a decreases in metabolism.

Quality of life

Obesity can decrease the quality of life and one may not be able to do things as such. He or she may avoid public places and people with obesity may even encounter discrimination.

Other weight-related issues that may affect your quality of life include:

Depression Social isolation Shame and Guilt Lower work achievement Sexual problem


Whether you are at risk of obesity or not, you should try to protect yourself from overweight. Exercise regularly and you need to get 150 to 300 minutes of moderate-intensity activity a week to prevent weight gain. Moderately intense physical activities include fast walking and swimming.

Follow a healthy-eating plan. Focus on low-calorie, nutrient-dense foods, such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Avoid saturated fat and limit sweets and alcohol. Eat three regular meals a day with limited snacking. Try to avoid saturated fat and limit the use of sweets and alcohol. Eat three regular meals a day with limited snacks.

Monitor your weight regularly and people who are overweight should weigh their weight at least once a week. You can plan ahead and handle situations strategically.

Ayurvedic Routine For Weight Loss / Ayurvedic Treatment of Obesity

8 days remarkable routine for weight loss

  • On 1st day - Only water
  • On 2nd day – Electoral, Kheera (cucumber) Gourd juice (lauki juice) and some light vegetables. Tea with 2 cups of water, daalchini, adrak and tulsi. This is a very remarkable tea and it removes the Type – II diabetes.
  • On 3rd day – Hot water, little warm. One glass of apple juice or if you’re feeling hungry you can take 2 glass of apple juice. 2 full glass of ajwain water ( little warm ). This will help to combat the high concentration of uric acid
  • On 4th day – Kheera and Bitter gourd juice in the morning. One boiled apple. A small cup of rice with no protein vegetables such as lauki, palak ka saag, kaddu, parwal, sita phal, Shimla Mirch, beetroot, etc. Please note, you can prepare any one of these vegetables with little ghee and avoid using iodised salt for cooking. Use sendha namak
  • On 5th day – lauki juice and some rice, dal, and light vegetables with curd
  • On 6th day – Aloe vera juice in the morning. Lunch with 2 chapatis
  • On 7th day - Some fruits in the morning. Lunch with 2 chapatis and chilke waali moong ki daal (lentil)
  • On 8th day – 4 cups of papaya juice, one bowl of mixed vegetables mentioned above and dinner with khichdi prepared with 1 cup of rice and 4 cups of yellow lentil

If you have more query you can get complete ayurvedic and astrological solutions.

How We Cure Obesity with the help of Medical Astrology and Ayurveda?

We AstroKapoor have the Ayurvedic remedies/treatments for obesity. This treatment increases fat metabolism and weight can reduce even 200kg to 70kg within the duration of eight-month time with no side effect. The concept behind this natural treatment is to revive all the body organs completely.

Input required for providing this service.

Please provide your complete birth details (Date of birth, Time & Birth Place), and preferred consultation time. Please note In case of unavailability of birth details one can mention the current time while filling the form including present location. In such special cases, all the astrological calculations and solutions will be provided with the help of Prasna Kundli/Horary Astrology.

Why these Inputs (Birth Details) required treating Obesity problems in Medical Astrology:

This is a very old Vedic science where we analyze the horoscope of the person and try to find out the root cause of the problem considering the planetary position of both birth and current transit of the stars. Horoscope study help panel of astrologers, Ayurveda experts of Astrokapoor team to provide the required solution for individual which will be completely unique in every case.

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