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How Will Be My Married Life - Marriage Report Vedic Astrology

Marriage astrology report is a special report prepared by our experts which talks about how will be one's married life. In this Marriage Report Astrology report you'll come to know about the detail of your spouse and any upcoming difficulty in your marital life. Marriage astrology report chart is generated by studying  different combinations of planet and their position in your horoscope. You will be able to know how will be your married life under the influence of birth planets & planets in transit. Get the futuristic prediction on your married life with elaborate report on each planet on the basis of exact degree of calculations of stars, its indications & movements.

What is Marriage Astrology Report?

In brief, marriage astrology report is a comprehensive report that helps to get you the details about your married life from your birth chart. The main prediction is extracted from the birth chart of a person. Vedic astrology is not about only providing predictions but it goes a step further and provides remedies to remove any obstruction and obstacles in your life.

Complete Marriage Report Astrology Chart - AstroKapoor

If you are married, this study will help to remove any upcoming obstruction caused by any malefic planet and also will provide remedies for the improvement of your relationship. If you have any harmful yoga in your chart, marriage astrology report may help you to get rid of the malefic yoga disturbing your life. If you are not married, you can know information like when you will get married? what will be the characteristic traits of your future spouse? what kind of profession he or she will have? how will be your married life? and many more.

Marriage Report Astrology By Experts

In case of delayed marriage, Marriage Report will describe the strong and weak combinations in your marriage chart and the reasons which is imposing delay in marriage. It will indicate when native will be married and how your married life will be in the future. Wherever there are troubles seen in marriage, relevant astrological advice and remedies will be provided. If you are passing by tough time, you can also opt for Tough time and remedial astrology service.

How Is Marriage Report Vedic Astrology Report Prepared?

To opt for your Marriage Astrology report, just simply fill your details, such as date of birth, time of birth and place of birth and our expert will analyze the details provided by you. There will be an in-depth study of the malefic planets, your nakshatra and the ruling period of planets in your horoscope. The position of the lord of seventh house is also taken into consideration for analysing a happy marriage life. In case you are married, please mention marital status while filling the form.

How Marriage Report Benefits You?

We know marriage is a sacred institution. It can't be denied that delay in marriage or problems in marriage life can create a lot of disturbances in one's life. Marriage astrology report is highly beneficial for both married and unmarried people.

Our Vedic astrologer will analyse your 5th, 7th and 11th house in particular to analyse your marriage possibility. Also the effect of the placement of Venus and Mars is important for a happy married life.

Description of your Life Partner as Per Marriage Astrology Report:

  • When will you find your spouse?
  • Astrological remedies for delay in marriage.
  • Luck, professional and financial status of your spouse.
  • Challenges in marriage and mitigation measures.
  • Chances of divorce and second marriage.
  • Emotional, physical and intellectual compatibility of your partner.

Know whether your marriage will be love or arranged, forecasting on the basis of exact degree of calculation of stars using all Natal chart, Moon chart, Navmansha chart, complete shodashvarga etc.

Book your session and get 'How will be my married life' Report

In your Astrology-report, you will get to know:

  1. Description & details of planets affecting your horoscope; Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu & Ketu.
  2. Combinations & Yogas of all benefic & malefic planets like Sun-Jupiter-Venus-Saturn-Mars-Mercury & their impact on your married life.
  3. Nature of your married life impacted by planets situated in relevant houses & based on their timely movement.
  4. Astrological remedies including lucky gemstone recommendation to cure evil & unhappiness from your married life.
  5. Remedies/Solutions for blessed & happy married life.

Want to Have Peace and Harmony – Get Your Astrology Marriage Report Now

Other than astrological view, Married life also depends on the person’s overlook about how he or she wants to have peace and harmony. In astrology, we have observed various cases where both the couple’s chart matchmaking is significantly poor to take it to the level of tying marriage knot. For e.g.: fourteen points or even less than that out of thirty-six, zero points in Bhakoot / Bhakut, seventh lord’s placement is in sixth, eighth or twelfth house from own house but still living a very romantic and healthy life.

Few people are compassionate, patient and born lovers. They ignore the negative traits in their partner's nature and keep on inspiring with their positive vibes. This eventually brings changes in their partner's emotional and mental well being which in turn establishes harmony in relationship.

The harmony in the relationship can only be established based on trust, honesty, love, compassion, understanding and level of acceptance.


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