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Astrology Remedies And Remedial Astrology Consultants - AstroKapoor

Delivery Time: 20 Days Express - Astro Talk with Vedic Astrologer - Prashant Kapoor

Astrological Solutions: Will be mailed separately.

Tough Times And Remedial Astrology

Life is not always smooth. Just like day and night alternate, our lives also have ups and downs. Similarly, in married life, spouses can expect to face certain challenges. During tough times, we may feel completely out of control, stressed, and anxious, making the situation even worse. This happens because we are often unprepared.However, through astrological in-depth analysis, one can be mentally prepared for these challenging periods. By understanding when planetary positions are unfavorable and what difficulties they might bring, one can take proactive measures. Astrological remedies can help reduce the impact of these tough times.

Key Questions Answered:

  • Are there any tough times in my marriage?
  • Are there any current doshas/yogas in the current transit, period, or sub-periods of stars?
  • How long will these difficulties last?
  • How can I bring stability to my married life?

Astrological Remedies Report: What You Will Get

Planetary Influences on Your Horoscope

  • Detailed analysis of planets affecting your horoscope: Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu.

Combinations & Yogas

  • Analysis of malefic and benefic planetary combinations, such as Sun-Saturn-Mars and their impact on your married life.

Natal and Navamsha Chart Analysis

  • Interpretation of planetary positions in the relevant houses impacting married life.

Tough Times Prediction

  • Forecast of years and months that are likely to be tough in your married life.

Astrological Remedies for Tough Times

  • Effective astrological solutions to overcome challenges.

Solutions for Harmony & Stability in Married Life

  • Astrological remedies such as:
    • Homams (Havans)
    • Gemstone recommendations
    • Color therapy
    • Vastu analysis, including the South-West corner of the house for marital harmony.
Note: Only two horoscopes can be discussed in the scheduled 30-minute consultation.

Input Required for Remedial Astrology Consultation

Birth Details Required:

  • Date of Birth
  • Time of Birth
  • Birthplace
  • Preferred consultation time
Special Case: If birth details are unavailable, one can provide the current time and present location. In such cases, astrological calculations and solutions will be provided using Prasna Kundli/Horary Astrology.

For a detailed astrological consultation and remedies, book your session today!

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