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Labradorite is a beautiful semi precious gemstone. It is grayish to black in color with blue and yellow light tinge over the surface. Labradorite gemstone is a variety of mineral feldspar and tectosilicate. It is readily available and found in Italy, Green land, Finland, Russia, Canada and Scandinavia. It displays a beautiful iridescent of colors. This iridescent of colors is caused due to the internal fractures in the mineral light, which dispersed into different colors. This is called as Labradorescence effect. It is a gemstone of new light and vision. Labradorite gemstone heals the immune system and also regenerates the dead worn out tissues from the immune system. Labradorite is the gemstone of healer. Labradorite is also used by the crystal healer to remove depression and tensions from the life.

Properties of Labradorite Gemstone

Labradorite gemstone has an excellent metaphysical property. It is connected to the light of the spiritualism. It deflects unwanted energies from the aura. It prevents you from the negative vibrations and helps you to connect it with the positive realms. Labradorite is a good stone for communication and to understand sub conscious knowledge. Labradorite imparts the strength and vigor to the wearer. It promotes a sense of self belonginess and self esteem.

As a protective stone, Labradorite is used in pendant to deflect negative energies. You can also carry this gemstone in your bag or hand for positive vibrations. Labradorite is a stone of esoteric knowledge; it facilitates to unwind hidden mysteries.

Benefits of Labradorite Gemstone

Labradorite gemstone impacts the mind, thought pattern and psychological well being. It raises consciousness and grounds spiritual energies. This stone has a very powerful meditating quality. It calms the overactive mind. It helps to increase your imagination power and brings new ideas to your thought. It removes fears from past life. It strengthens self confidence and self esteem in your life. Labradorite gemstone helps to bring contemplation and introspection. This stone brings up suppressed memories from the past. You can get vedic gemstone recommendation for labradorite.

Labradorite in Gems Therapy

Labradorite helps in crystal healing. Traditionally, it is used to treat disorders of eyes and brain. It relieves stress. This gemstone is found to treat cold, gout and disease of the rheumatism.

Labradorite is used to cure fertility problems in females. It cures menstrual tension. It also heals stomach and liver.

Yellow Labradorite

Yellow Labradorite accesses the highest levels of consciousness. It enhances visualization. Labradorite is very beneficial for the solar plexus and expands mental body. It heals the stomach the stomach, spleen, liver and gall bladder.

Astrological purpose of Labradorite

For astrological purpose, labradorite should be worn in silver ring and should be unheated and untreated with less inclusions, higher clarity and pure in color. It is very beneficial for the sun sign Leo, Scorpio, and Sagittarius.

Wholesale Price of Labradorite Gemstone:

Visit Astrokapoor office for buying loose natural labradorite in whole sale price of Labradorite gemstone.

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