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The Gem Stone Lepidolite

Lepidolite gemstone was first found in the 18th century, when it was well known as “lilalite” for its lavender shade. However, it was later on termed as “lepidolite” by scientists, which derived from the Greek word “lepidos”, which means “scale”, because of its rough look caused by scales of lithium. Lepidolite is occasionally mentioned as the “grandmother gemstone” or the “harmony stone” since it is considered to have developing and comforting properties. As a result, lepidolite is supposed to be of immense relief to those who are sensing tension or nervous. It is also considered to assist those individuals with bipolar disarray because of its mind-stabilizing qualities. Lepidolite is considered to unlock the intellect and tranquil the superior self. Lepidolite gemstone is an outstanding anxiety release gemstone as it comprises lithium, which is a relaxing comforting mineral that will assist you if you are sensing nervous, worried or miserable. It brings cures emotionally and assists you to get profound into meditation and has a constructive quivering that instigates  positive luck or synchronicity.

Why should we wear?

This particular gemstones have controlling mystical qualities, with an outstanding vibration that will assist you to create a powerful bond with your mentor who is being in the higher state. It has some helpful curative traits, including its act to help sorrow and to ease anxiety as well as amount of other remedial qualities. It has a quite extraordinary vibration that assist you  to trigger your relationship with your elevated nature of yourself, and helps you to identify the spirituality inside your own personality. This stone has extremely divine power. This quivering helps you to sense a divine wisdom of love, for oneself and for others, and its result inside the heart and superior heart chakra, brings a profusion of happiness, harmony, tranquillity and love to pour into your existence.  Lepidolite gemstone is identified to motivate your logical and critical capabilities, and to identify the designs that originate from your individual way of opinions. It develops a powerful capability for you to be in synchronization with courage, and it assists you to sense more established and calm about life. By this, you get the support to be more in sync with life.  This stunning lavender gemstone makes an enlarged number of influential coincidences These coincidences permit the heavenly mind to generate astonishing situations, to help you to get into your life those effects that you wish for and have been dreaming about.

Benefits or Effects

Lepidolite is a dream gemstone which assists to cure high emotional drive, it also does magic on the material body too. It gives your immune system a profuse enhancement by bringing Lepidolite gemstone into your life. As a gemstone it is acknowledged for lessening anxiety factors and worry, Lepidolite also gets to function in order to guarantee the nervous system is in total accord so you deal with everything that comes your way. The calm happy gemstone also cuts down on the damaging result of high drive emotions, clears away the doubts so that you can stay in peace and don’t feel like the way you are undergoing stress under the heavy burden of emotion. Lepidolite gemstone has also been recognized to assist insensitive sciatica and neuralgia. It is also believed to shrink trouble connected with Alzheimer’s. Finally, among all its astonishing qualities, Lepidolite can assist to calm down mood swing, cut back on premenstrual syndrome, and facilitate the body and mind to handle differences brought on by the menopause and hormonal changes. Lepidolite is an immensely balancing gemstone and consequently its power does miracle when it comes to poise and absolute emotional curing. Lepidolite gemstone helps its users to understand the real problem, and works with us to shift to a position of long-standing curing and pleasant vanity..

This particular gemstone also assists us to let go of those systems or designs that are no longer helpful for us, to restructure and reorganize our behaviour traits and thoughts, and to accept times to transform one and situation rather than totally going out against it. This is a gemstone that not only desires to care for you but wishes to educate you how to calm oneself and make choices that approach with a sharp sense of alertness and obligation to your own wellbeing and joy. It does all of this with  care and tenderness, keeping you relaxed and helps you to enjoy the extra energy provided by the stone. It also gives the awareness to relate yourself to this entire universe and also understand your mission in this world.

Lepidolite gemstone is very conducive to attract wealth and prosperity in your life. If a person is in the business and looking for a good opportunity to invest money in a property, this particular stone becomes a guiding force for him.



OriginThe USA, Brazil, Canada,  Russia, Finland, Sweden, Germany, Japan, the Czech Republic, Madagascar and Zimbabwe.

Birthstone month – October

Ruling planet-Venus

Significance- In the spiritual sense, Lepidolite is an amazing energy cleanser and ever ready to get to work on bringing the chakras into bright and bountiful balance. Rich in spirituality, the Lepidolite Stone can help to clear any blockages from the Heart Chakra, the Third Eye Chakra, and the Crown Chakra. These three chakras are some of the gateways we need for divine connection with higher plains. When they are blocked they can affect our sense of inner wisdom, intuition, trust, capability for love, and ability to see what the universe wants from us and where our place in this world is. This stone is all about helping you to leap forward, it preps you for a future free from mental and emotional blocks, ensuring you reach a place both here on earth and in the cosmic realm where you can thrive.

 Profession – Architect, scientist, lawyers and all other professionals as suggested by an astrologer.

 Colour- pink, red, or purple in colour.

 Species- lithium-rich mica

Density- 2.8 – 3.3

Jewellery metal- Silver, copper.

Wearing day- Friday

Caution- Just like all gemstones, Lepidolite will flourish best when reserved, cleansed and ready. Never utilize insensitive, rough materials to clean lepidolite but in its place use a spongy fabric or brush.


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