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The Gemstone Meteorites

Originating from the bottomless cosmic space, a Meteorite gem is a wonder of its own. This extraordinary gem shows off of an astonishing journey to Earth. A solidified piece of astronomical waste shaped from extraterrestrial asteroids and comets, this gem progresses billions of miles at far-fetched fast speeds before finally crushing on the Earth. Associated with the cosmic universe, a Meteorite gemstone is said to enhance the surprising energy that exists in the extent of the universe. It is said that by wearing meteorite stone one can help to lessen various types of frights, horror, and addictions. Besides that, meteorite stone also works as amazement in expanding the wealth of the wearer, assuring financial solidity and cerainity.Many appraise meteorite gemstones as premium to the planet Earth, thanks to the magnificent qualities that they have. By wearing this stone an individual gets the help to listen to and interpret  their psychic  voice in an organized manner.

Also, if you wish to intensify the clarity of your thinking power, then wearing a meteorite gem is of great help.

Why should I wear

The meteorite is observed to actuate  the right cerebrum of the brain where the excessive mental field of its conveyor affixes with the entire cosmos. It is considered to be a rock that assists its conveyor to utilize his intuitive as well as innovative skill in the journey of his lifespan. The Meteorite is regarded to be a rock of tolerance  that multiplies  the knowledge of its carrier to live a better life in near future. In traditions, it is believed that Meteorite rocks are energetically accommodated to the energies of the universe, so they are competent enough to enhance its wearer’s energies of the universe. Furthermore , it is regarded to open as well as flick on the third eye chakra which assists  to ease the intellectual communication with other people.


On the physical ground, meteorite gems are a blessing for those who want to overcome the problems such as anemia and decay of tissues. Those whose sufferings are related to blood should also wear this stone. In fact, this stone helps in cleaning the toxins from the blood and decontaminating it.One can also use the same stone in order to get protection from the paralysis attack.

On the emotional level, Meteorite gemstones assists the users to have a steady state of emotions. Those who want to understand their inner self  better and wish to accommodate themselves better with this entire universe can wear this particular gem and encounter its advantages.

As a matter of fact, using this gem is also regarded to assist one to attain a deep thoughtful state, stimulating the procedure of self-realization. This gem is also seen to bring a new supervision to its users, assisting him to retrieve his life better.

Most of us want to gain the emotional endurance  to face the hardships of life. By wearing this gem one can help himself in doing so. Apart from this, it also supports adapting to a new environment without any hassle.

  It also helps assist its users to keep themselves mentally as well as physically stable. It is a stone that supports its users to keep them away from the state of wound. It is seen to renovate the lifespan of its users as  well as physically support him to keep himself away and safe from the paralysis attack. It also helps its users to respect nature in the real sense as well as the connection  that he has with Mother Earth. Furthermore, its users can understand the negative energy in his life and how to overcome those energies.  It is a gem that supports its carrier to detonate that aspect of life which has chained him and prevented him from moving ahead in life.


Origin – Sahara desert, Antarctica, USA.

Birthstone month – August

Ruling Planet – Sun

Profession – Any professional can wear this stone, but needs to consult with an astrologer.

Significance – Meteorite gems also help  one in enhancing his consciousness beyond his existing level. This stone also helps to  bring deeper perception into their existing  circumstances and reach to new solutions for their problems. Meteorites, mostly which contain higher nickel content can enhance the intellectual  energy of the user. They also intensify  telepathic connection.  This stone is a blessing for those who are looking for spiritual enhancement, meteorites can increase meditation power as well as in building up the spiritual roots. By certifying the spiritual progress of the wearer, this gem is  also useful in enhancing the psychic capabilities of a person.Other than  this, meteorites also support  in strengthening one’s psychic self to the psychic beings that exist in other provinces.

Colour –  Rusty brown

Density – 3.0 to 3.7 g/cm3

Species – Silicate minerals and iron – nickel metal

Jewellery metal – Silver and copper metal

Wearing day – Sunday

Caution – In order to clean your stone place  the ring or pendant of meteorite  in the small container and fully immerse with the rubbing alcohol. Dip for 30 minutes, and then lightly scrub the stone with the toothbrush from time to time. Do not lend your gem to anyone else to wear, always consult an astrologer before wearing it and buy the stone from an authentic supplier

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