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Petalite is a different mineral that comes in gorgeous pastel colors. The colorless or white ones are often used as a gemstone. The name of Petalite originated from a Greek word which means “ a leaf”.  It is also a lithium aluminium tectosilicate, which is a mineral and when combined with lepidolite and quartz, it is used as a healing stone to relieve depression and mental fatigueness. This particular stone has high energy, which allows the wearers to go in a state of tranquility and high mystic realm. Petalite’s powerful effect eliminates all negative energy from the surroundings. This Particular stone is available in Brazil, Australia, Afghanistan and sweden.

Importance of Petalite

The high crystal energy of any color of Petalite has a soft but high intense energy that lifts users to a peaceful world where they enjoy a sense of harmony and peace in life. It gently eradicates all concern and negativity and stress from mind. Petalite is also known for its quality to bring simplicity to your thought.

It has an elevated frequency, and it is said to be a stone of expression, as it helps you to bring into your life fresh and meaningful visions that makes your journey of life easy and simpler.

Petalite is known as an extra ordinary gemstone for its qualities of generating high energy and bringing harmony in the body and mind. It has for long been used as a vigorous tool against evil power and energies. Petalite establishes a great connection with the spiritual world. The stone can shield you against all the negative energy that is real around you and your surroundings.

It is also seen  that Petalite develops a situation in which you can sense what is happening without hearing and seeing. Thus, it transmits the divine condition of the reasonable things ahead of time.

Benefits and Effect

Petalite has the quality to improve your psychological status from a negative state to that of positive. It cures emotional wounds that a person undergoes from time to time.

Petalite has been in use for centuries to restore serious malaise. The gemstones curing quality helps to reduce the pain because of a tumor, and  also lead to better visual capability of a user.

It  also plays a dominant role in keeping the blood pressure within limits and helps you to remain healthy and happy.

It improves the proper functioning  of the digestive system,, and cleans up the lungs.

Petalite is a rare gemstone which brings a bundle of opportunities for the users and thus improve their financial status, wealth and income.The quality of gemstone helps you to do wise investment and bring security for the future.

Petalite is a gemstone for people who cannot concentrate on one thing/situation properly.With the help of this stone a person inculcates the quality to view the world from a broader mindset.  Thus the person becomes more calm and can channelise his negative energy into a constructive one. Its positive energy helps people to detect all evil potential in the environment which can harm him and his loved ones. It helps you to make constructive decisions during the troubled time of life. It brings harmony in life.

It has an immense impact on your personality. The stone has the quality to mould your personality according to the challenges of life. Petalite is the best  aid to help you reach a high state of  mental consciousness. You will be able to learn how to control your emotions and attain a stage of mental balance.

This multi effective stone also enables you to nurture your relationship and make it strong. It helps you to learn a lesson from every challenge which resists you in your relationship.


Origin – Brazilian origin, derived from Greek words petalon

Birthstone month –  22 June – 22 July

Ruling planet- The Moon

Profession – Lawyers, teachers, doctors, defence, specialists.

Significance – Petalite is  used primarily for those people who suffer from conditions like ADD (attention deficit disorder), ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), excessive anxiety, stressful situations, and ego which is detrimental to all. It is said to be a great aid in treating diseases like  HIV and cancer and ailments involving the endocrine system. Petalite cures damaged conditions in cells, lungs, spasms in the muscles and the intestine. It also helps children by raising their self-dignity and self respect. The stage when children undergo various behavioral and mood fluctuations Petalite helps to keep all the emotions in a good balance and helps in diminishing sudden changes in mood.

Color- Yellow – grey, pink, colorless, grey, yellow.

Density- 2.412 – 2.422 g/cm3 (measured) 2.4g/cm3 (calculated)

Jewellery metal- Silver mainly, but even gold can also be used.

Wearing day- Wednesday

Caution- Most importantly, never wear gems on any layman’s suggestion. Always consult an astrologer who will direct you with your zodiac signs, and other details and accordingly which stones you should wear. Protect your stone from all damages/scratches, and it will be more fruitful if you wear your stone after taking a bath and on that particular day suggested by an expert.

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