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Certified Pietersite Gemstone

Pietersite is a semi precious gemstone, also known as “Tempest Stone”. It has a connection with the storm element, so called as Tempest. Pietersite is a recent discovery and is said to hold the keys to the kingdom of heaven. It is golden-brown to gray in color. It is mottled in the upper surface, iridescent and often tumbled. It is easily obtained.

Source of Pietersite: It is mainly found in Namibia and China.

Pietersite Meaning
This stone was named after the father of the founder, Louis Pieters. It consists of mixture of color combination of brown, gold, gray, black and sometimes even copper.

Why to use Pietersite?
Although Pietersite is a semi precious gemstone, it is very effective for connecting with your inner wishes and desires. It works effectively as a precious gemstone. This stone helps to fulfill the wishes and desires of your soul. Pietersite helps you to rise above your feelings and allow others to control you. It helps to counteract the negative feelings and improves self confidence.
It boosts the will power and heals the base chakra. It removes fear and helps to make firm decision in life.

Pietersite Benefit
This stone helps to link you to your own inner guidance and helps you to recognize the truth. It dissolves stubbornness and clears confusion. It is also used in past life healing. It removes disease caused by false hood. Pietersite removes mental tension and depression.
It helps you to promote walking on your own truth. It is an extremely supportive and balancing stone.

Pietersite stimulates the pituitary gland. It balances the endocrine system and helps in the production of hormones. It governs metabolism, blood pressure, growth, sex and temperature. It cures disease of lungs, liver, intestine and feet.
This stone clears the disease caused by exhaustion and extreme work conditions. It also clears and energizes the meridian pathway of the body. It also cures mal absorption and promotes absorption of nutrients from the food.

Wearing Pietersite | Use in Medical Astrology Treatment
Pietersite jewelry comes in a variety of colors. The jewelry made form this stone can be used to enhance your psychic abilities. It is very useful for mental concentration and memory.
This is a very beautiful stone to wear and it is a birth stone of Aquarius Zodiac sign. If you are unable to find jewelry made form this stone, then you can keep this in your pocket as it will enhance your aura filed. It can be also kept under pillow at night and it will make your dream real.

Why Semi precious Gemstone Pietersite?
Semi precious gemstone has the same qualities as the precious gemstone. The semiprecious gemstone can be very well considered, if you are incapable of buying the precious gemstone. Although semi precious gemstone lack few characteristic of precious gemstone, but yet they have the quality which can act as a precious gemstone.

Wholesale Prices of Pietersite: Visit Astrokapoor office for buying certified, natural Pietersite in a wholesale price. We provide certified natural gemstone.

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