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Sillimanite Cat’s Eye

Siliminate Cats Eye

Certified Sillimanite cat’s eye

Sillimanite cat’s eye is a highly precious gemstone. Sillimanite cat’s eye is a form of aluminum silicate related to andalusite and Kyanite. Siliminate has been named after the American chemist Benjamin Silliman. He was a very famous chemist and geologist, who worked on different forms of minerals.Silimanite Cat’s eye is brown to light brown in color with a smooth surface. It is also found in black, blue and pale red. It has an orthorhombic crystal with a Moh’s hardness of 6.5 to 7.5 in scale. When viewed from different angles. it exhibit different color patterns. Sillimanite cat’s eye removes obstacle from the life of the wearer and bestows him/her with self confidence.
Note: It is a very rare gemstone to find, but posses a very high metaphysical and healing properties. It is highly beneficial for the ill placed Ketu in your birth chart.

Origin: It is mainly found in USA, Myanmar, Burma, Germany, Brazil, Kenya and Sri Lanka.

The Sillimanite cats eye is an excellent form of Beryl. Astrologically, it is highly suggested for the person, who has ill placed Ketu in the birth chart. The effect of this stone can cause failure to the enemy and raises the native to the popularity. This stone is very rare to find, as common cat’s eye or chrysoberyl is readily available. Sillimanite cat’s eye is a more valuable than any form of cat’s eye.

Benefits of Sillimanite cats eye

Sillimanite cat’s eye strengthens the leadership qualities in a person. Sillimanite cat’s eye is highly helpful for the person to develop leadership qualities. It is suggested to wear this stone, if a person is ruled by the moon. It balances the emotional aspect of a person. This cat’s eye helps the wearer to take best and wise decision in life. It brings perception of what lies after the conditions in the life of the wearer. This gemstone brings the rational and emotional body together. It stimulates emotional healing.

Sillimanite cats eye Pink helpful in Career and Profession

As this is an excellent gemstone for Ketu, it is highly useful for the persons who are in the field of administrations and public domain. It develops leadership qualities in a person. This stone is very useful for the judges, writers, politicians and administrators. It is also very useful for the person who is in the business of iron, trade, commerce and business of jewelry.

Sillimanite cat’s eye in Gems Therapy | Medical Astrology

It is traditionally used for the treatment of throat problems, arthritis and joint pain. It heals kidney, gall bladder and liver problems also. It is highly beneficial for the people who suffer from weak immune system. It lowers the high cholesterol and keeps the normal functioning of the heart.
Sillimanite cat’s eye is also very effective in the treatment of skin problems and allergies. With its calming green color, it is beneficial for the nervous system, and overcomes the stressed conditions.

Wholesale Prices of Sillimanite cats eye: Visit Astrokapoor office for buying natural stone at a wholesale price. We provide certified natural gemstone.

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