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Shukra (Venus) Yagya Image




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Astrologically, Lord Shukra (Venus) signifies love, passion, beauty, harmony, romance, marriage, partnership, refinement, style, elegance, peace, charm, joy, happiness, kindness and honesty. These aspects are very important to bring happiness in life. The person who wants to increase these aspects in life should opt for Shukra (Venus) Yagya. Lord Shukra is also indicative of eyesight. If it is malefic or weak in one’s horoscope can cause weak eyesight, cataract, and sexual disease also. Disease of the generative disorders, urinary system, veneral disease, diabetes and Leucoderma is also caused by weak Shukra effect in one’s chart.

A person, who is having Shukra (Venus) as the main significator in life is blessed with luxury articles, ornaments. It also gives very good effect to the profession of electronic media, multiplexes, hotels, marriage bureau, film industry and mode of enjoyment. We at AstroKapoor suggest this Yagya to ward off any physical problems also. ‘For the persons born in Taurus & Libra ascendant and Rashi (Moon sign), this Yagya is recommended at regular intervals. This Yagya is very effective for the person who is passing through adverse Dasa/Transit of lord Shukra (Venus). Some of our esteemed celebrity and clients are from the film industry, real estate industry, television industry, and electronic media.

Our special Panditas and Aacharayas, who are working under the ingenious guidance of Astrologer Prashant Kapoor, perform this Yagya.. We use Vedic mantras, combined with other potent verses relating to Shukras. Some of our esteemed clients are from the business of luxuries, beauty, elegance and decorative items.


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