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Cats Eye Tourmaline

Cats Eye Tourmaline

Certified Cat’s Eye Tourmaline

Cat’s eye Tourmaline Lehsunia is a gemstone which has a resemblance with Cat’s eye. This Cat’ss Eye Tourmaline gemstone has a striking white ray, passing through the center that gives a resemblance to a cat’s eye. It is the largest encountered gemstone found in natural form. It is a hard, translucent gem ranging in color from a honey yellow or honey brown to yellowish green to an almost emerald green. Cat’s eye tourmaline is composed of mineral of aluminates beryllium. It has a velvety or silk like texture and, when properly cut, displays a brilliant whitish line of light right down the center, appearing almost to be lighted from inside. This stone is also known by many others name as Lehsunia, Chrysoberyl, Vaiduria, Cymophane. It has hexagonal appearance, because of triplet of twin alienated at 120 degree. Black cat’s eye is used to nullify the malefic effect of Ketu.

Cat’s eye Tourmaline is the gemstone of Ketu. It is very excellent in removing malefic effect of Ketu in one’s horoscope. Cat’s eye stone gives auspicious result to the wearer. It has been known, that this stone transform negative thought of a person to a positive one. It promotes tolerance and harmony in one’s life. It stabilizes wisdom and intelligence and removes obstacles of life. It has been found in Brazil, Burma, china and Srilanka, Zimbabwe, Norway.

Indian name-Lehsunia-Sutra Mani
Color-Golden Yellow-Yellow with brown, Green, Lemon, Red, Orange, Pink, Black, Gray, Purple, Voilet, Yellowish Green
Appearance-Tabular transparent crystals

Cat’s Eye Tourmaline

Gemstone BenefitsCat’s eye/Hessonite brings discipline and self association in one’s life. It can attract sudden wealth, as it is associated with Ketu. It has magical properties to heal negative thoughts and enhance wisdom and intellect. Cat’s eye safe guard its wearer from accidents and evil eye spirits. It saves a person from physical weakness. It brings happiness and serenity in life. Mental comfort is gained by wearing this stone.

An inauspicious Ketu may cause sudden loss and wasteful travels, so it can be prevented by wearing this stone. Cat’s eye is not worn whole life, but it is generally worn during major and sub period of Ketu in person’s life. Each color of Cat’s eye is for different zodiac sign. It is very beneficial for person born under Aries, Taurus and Capricorn.

Cat’s eye Tourmaline stone jewelry

Cat’s eye gemstone is used in jewelry-rings, bracelet, and pendant to pacify malefic effect of Ketu. It should be studded in silver. This stone provide stability and attracts wealth. It promotes optimism, generosity and commitment. It increases creativity and confidence to work.

Career and Profession
Writer | Scholar | Poet | Doctor | Judge | Film | Scientist | Film director
Along with the above profession cat’s eye is very beneficial for the person who are spiritual, life counselor, and philosopher. Person of dance, music and acting can also use this stone.

Cat’s eye Tourmaline-Lehsunia for Health
This stone cures leukemia, heart disease, paralysis, hormonal imbalance and leucoderma. This stone is very effective to heal injury after operation.

Note: Corporate supplies and wholesale requirement: Please click here.

We at Astrokapoor offer natural and certified gemstones of excellent quality. Each gemstone is passed from various tests by the team of our own gemologist and finally certified by government approved laboratories and best quality is picked for our clients. You can directly buy natural Cat’s Eye/Lehsunia gemstones from our online store by sending us your details and requirements. We offer best competitive rates to our clients. Kindly provide your requirement filling up the given form.

How to wear Cat’s eye Tourmaline Lehsunia gemstone
Cat’s eye should be cleaned softly with soap and water, and then its ring or pendant studded in silver should be worn in small finger after consulting a Vedic astrologer. An auspicious day is Wednesday, Thursday or Friday for wearing this stone. Its weight shouldn’t be less than 6 carat.

Identification of Lehsunia before buying
Color-Golden yellow, yellow with brown, green with red
Mohs scale hardness-8.5
Appearance-Bright transparent when polished
Specific gravity-High

The Six Key Steps in Examining a Stone
Whenever possible, examine stones unmounted.
Make sure the gem is clean.
Hold the unmounted stone so that your fingers touch only the girdle.
View the gem under proper lightning.

Vedic mantra for wearing
“Om ketuaye namah”

Please note that all Gems are already energized (Pran Pratishtha) before sending to our clients by special Pundits and Purohits having in-depth knowledge of Vedas.
An auspicious day and Nakshatra is chosen by client Name, Date of birth and Place.
A Matt is placed with its face towards East, North or North east while performing Pooja.
A snake idol, brass plate, red or grey cloth, horse gram, sandal, kumkum, curd and bowl of sugar is used for pooja and Prasad.
Snake idol is placed in front and red or grey cloth is covered on brass plate.
The gemstone is washed with holy Gangajal applied Kum Kum.
An incense stick is lighted in front of the gemstone and mantra is enchanted along with marigold flowers in according to the concerned gemstone.
After that name of the client, date of birth and place of birth is enchanted by our special pundits and Purohits to energize the gemstone with the concerned person.
This completes the procedure known as “Pran Pratishtha” of Gemstone. This procedure creates a live energy within the Gemstone.
The eyes are closed and the mantra is enchanted as per the Gemstones. In Yellow sapphire it’s enchanted 7000 times.
Curd is offered as a Prasad and bowl of sugar is donated.
After the above procedure is completed the Gemstone is ready to be dispatched to you and since it has been energized you can direct wear it.

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