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Venus In Twelve Signs

Venus In Twelve Signs

Venus in Aries – It describes a middle stature, rather tall and slender, light hair. They are generally unfortunate both to themselves and others, unless Venus have Sextile or Trine Jupiter.

Venus in Taurus – Gives a handsome person, though the stature is not great, the body is extremely well made, plump but not gloss. The hair is generally brown, and, if Venus be in her own term. The eyes are generally black.

Venus in Gemini – Gives one above the middle height, slender, upright, and well-made body. The complexion is clear and fair. They are good-humored.

Venus in Cancer – It represents a short person, a fleshy body, round, pale, and sickly face. They have generally small grey or greenish eyes. The disposition is idle and dull.

Venus in Leo – Gives a person reasonably tall of stature, well-composed body, clear complexion, round face, full eye, freckled and fair skin, hair reddish.

Venus in Virgo – It shews a tall, well-proportioned figure, oval face, dark hair, or, if in her own term. They are ingenious, eloquent, active, and clever, of an aspiring turn.

Venus in Libra – Describes an upright, tall, elegant person, extremely well made, with a genteel carriage. The face is oval, and rather beautiful, having pleasing smiles and beautiful dimples; but they are frequently freckled; the hair is brown and soft, but rather grows long than plentiful.

Venus in Scorpio – Denotes a short, stout, well set, broad face, dusky complexion. They are envious, debauched and vicious; given to contention; if Venus be afflicted by Saturn or mars; to very disgraceful actions.

Venus in Sagittarius – Represents a person rather tall than otherwise, well made, clear or sanguine complexion, fair, oval face, and brown hair. They delight in innocence recreations.

Venus in Capricorn – Describes small-sized person, shot stature, a pale face, thin and sickly; dark hair. They are generally persons who love their belly.

Venus in Aquarius – Gives a handsome, well-formed person, clear complexion, rather corpulent or large body. A good disposition, quiet, affable, courteous, not at all inclined to vicious action.

Venus in Pisces – Personates a middle stature, a flesh plump body, a round full face, with a dimple in the chain, good complexion between pale and ruddy.



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