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Male infertility treatment

Male infertility treatment

Male Infertility is the most common cause of a failed pregnancy. It can make a female infertile, although if a female posses sufficient number of eggs for the fertilization. Male Infertility is due to various cause and reasons, but the most important cause is the presence of Azoospermia and Oligospermia.

Azoospermia is Pre Testicular and Testicular and Testicular Failure. These three are the most common forms of Azoospermia found in males.
In the Pre Testicular Azoospermia, there is inadequate stimulation of the testicle and genital tract. In Testicular, there is abnormal testis, atrophic or abnormal.
In Testicular failure, there are abnormal genetic conditions which can lead to azoospermia. Mast cell which releases inflammatory chemicals is responsible for the testicular failure.

Ejaculatory disorders also lead to male infertility. In this condition, the sperms are produced but do not expel out.

Impotency is another main reason for Male Infertility. It is the inability to perform the proper sexual act. It leaves the female partner unsatisfied. Impotence may be partial or total, temporary or permanent. It can be classified into two categories. Organic or Functional cause. Organic causes are lesions of the external genitals such as diabetes, diminished activity of the gonads, thyroid gland, or the pituitary gland dysfunction. Among the psychological condition which causes impotence is fear and weakness of the sexual desire. It has been found that about seventy per cent of males complain of incapacity to perform the sexual act.

Ashwagandha is the drug of choice for male infertility. The fresh root of this wild plant smells like the urine of the horse. When it is dried, the smell disappears and the drug can be taken out without any difficulty. The powder of the dried root of the plant should be taken in doses of one teaspoonful each, twice daily with milk.

Kapi Kacchu is another very useful remedy for infertility in male. The seeds of this plant is roasted and administered in a powder form.

Makardhwaja -Most celebrated remedy for male sterility in Ayurveda is MAKARADHWAJA. It should be given in a dose of 150 mg to the patient on an empty stomach, with half teaspoonful of butter and a half teaspoonful of sugar. This drug has a miraculous effect on male infertility.
In addition to the entire Ayurvedic drug prescribed above, certain diet and other regimes should also be followed to cure impotency.

Diet and Other Regime – The patient should be advised to remain away from the sour and pungent substances as they have a detrimental effect on the production of sperms. Milk, ghee, butter, and sweet substances are good for this condition. A high protein diet, particularly fish, white meat and eggs is recommended. A man under treatment for infertility should avoid over indulgence in sex.

OLIGOSPERMIA – Oligopsermia is the presence of low sperm count in male. Treatment of Oligospermia is similar to the treatment of Azoospermia.

Medical Astrology and Infertility Treatment
Astrokapoor works extensively following Ayurveda and Gems therapy to cure infertility. We have Mr Vipin Kapoor and Medical Astrologer Prashant Kapoor having an experience of more than 45 years in the treatment of Infertility.



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