What is Match-Making
Matchmaking is an expert-run process of introducing people usually for the purposes of marriage, considering their compatibility with the help of astrology.
Manual Matchmaking In India there are very few specialized and experienced astrologers for manual matchmaking who take under consideration the facts such as Nakshatra Dosha (in which some Nakshatra Charanas are unfavorable for in-law, brother-in-law, elder brothers), Conjunction of Inimical Stars in seventh place and the Lord and Specificator of the same, Vish Kanya or Vish Purush Yoga, Varna Gunankan Chart, Vashya Gunankan Chart, Tara Gunankan Chart, Yoni Gunankan Chart, friend, neutral, enemy and Lord of Moon sign, Star Gunankan Chart, Shudh and Ashudh Bhrikut, Shadashtak Bhrikut, Bhrikut Gunankan Chart, Nadi Gunankan Chart, Manglik Dosha, Conjunction of Inimical Stars in fifth place regarding the chances of conceiving child, Multiple Marriage Yoga.