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Yellow Sapphire Gemstone Benefits

Yellow Sapphire Gemstone Benefits

Jupiter is the largest and heaviest planet in the solar system and is known as the Deva Guru or teacher of the Gods. Jupiter is given the ministership among the assembly of nine planets. The Jupiter is a beneficial planet and significator of luck and fortune. Jupiter belongs to male, obliging and a divine planet. It is a gigantic and self-illuminating planet that radiates more energy than it receives. Bhrispati ( Jupiter ) represents wisdom and religion in human life. This is the unique aspect of Jupiter and its unique nature gives it a nature of a kind planet.

Introduction to the Yellow Sapphire-The Gem of Devguru Brihaspati
Yellow Sapphire is the gem that has huge benefic power and bestowed with the benefits of Jupiter. It is also known as Pushparagam and Pukhraaj. It is known as ‘Push raja’ in Sanskrit and ‘Pukhraaj’ in Hindi. Yellow sapphire brings great amount of prosperity to the wearer. It is believed to increase good health, name, fame and prosperity and ensures the continuation of family. Yellow Sapphire represents and bestows divine grace.
It is one of the safest gemstone and is a gem of knowledge, auspicious wealth and loving relationship. It gives the wearer good health and prosperity.

Benefits of wearing a Yellow Sapphire:
Yellow Sapphire gives good health to the wearer and also increases the name, honor and fame in the life of the person who wears it. It is one of the best Gemstone, especially for the academic life. Students who wear Jyotish Quality Yellow Sapphire do well in their studies. It also removes the delay in marriage that is caused by the malefic planet. If there is an obstruction in getting suitable match for a girl then by wearing yellow sapphire it brings stability in married life and the wearer is blessed with children.
Besides removing the obstacles in married life it also imbalances the relationship and serves as a favorite engagement ring/wedding ring. Yellow Sapphire represents the husband and also responsible for all joys of conjugal bliss. It is also very useful for uniting the separated lovers and renders marital bliss among the couple and ensures heirs.

Healing/curative powers of Natural Yellow Sapphire
Medically it is a very effective gemstone for the treatment of jaundice, insomnia, throat infection, lungs, ears and blood circulation. It also helps in the disorders of pancreas, tumours, skin troubles, cerebral congestion, catarrh and circulation of blood in the arteries and fat in the body. But it is essential always to wear a natural, flawless and unheated Yellow Sapphire just like Dev Guru Brihaspati to get the best result.

What to Look for in a Jyotish Quality Yellow Sapphire:
1) The color of the yellow sapphire should be Golden Yellow, Medium Butter Yellow and Light Butter Yellow.
2) The Gemstone should be free from any flaws.

Flaws to avoid in Yellow Sapphire
The flaws in the yellow sapphire can bring several bad result. Some common negative flaws that should be avoided are:
1) Avoid Yellow Sapphire with black dot inclusion.
2) Avoid Yellow Sapphire / Pukhraaj that have web like inclusions.
3) Avoid Yellow Sapphire that have different shades.
4) Avoid treated Gemstone.
5) Avoid Yellow Sapphire that lack luster and col

Buy online Natural Certified Yellow Sapphire Gemstones at Wholesale Prices



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