Idocrase is also called as a stone of higher self. It provides a link to the higher self and the information it offers to the soul in incarnation. The colour of this stone is green, brown, yellow, pale and blue red. It exists as resinous, transparent crystal with flecks. It is readily available in specialists store and basically found in the USA.
Let us know some remarkable benefits of Idocrase:
• It is useful in releasing the feelings of imprisonment and restraint.
• It is helpful for healing past-life experiences of being a prisoner, of extreme danger, or of mental or emotional restraint.
• Idocrase gently dissolves anger and alleviates fear, creating inner security.
• It has powerful mental connections and opens the mind and clears negative thought patterns so that the mind can function more clearly.
• It helps to strengthen the enamel of teeth and restores the sense of smell.
• It stimulates inventiveness and the urge to discover, linking this into creativity.
• Idocrase is useful in activating the third eye chakra and facilitates visualization insight when all the chakras are in alignment.
• It assists in journeys out of the body and gives off electrical charges that reenergize the field and aligns with the subtle bodies.
• It is a positive stone and overcomes inertia and feelings of inadequacy.
• It facilitates tapping into abilities and potential stimulating the flow of ideas.
• Idocrase is helpful when planning large business concepts.
• It treats bone and stimulates cellular formation, repairs DNA damage, aligns the meridians, and aids sleep disturbed by gastric upset.
• It is beneficial for lungs and removes asthma and bronchitis.
• It increases the oxygen supply to the blood and strengthens the circulatory system.
• It is a stone that holds the ideal of perfect health and well-being in healing.
• It is extremely fast acting and brings up the cause of the disease.
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