Lajward/Lapis Lazuli is a blue colour, gold-spotted stone. Lajward/Lapis Lazuli has an oily appearance. Lajward/Lapis Lazuli is either opaque or translucent. It is also known just as lapis. Blue colour of this stone is due to the presence of mineral lazurite. The golden spot is due to the flake of mineral pyrite. This stone is very useful for the people born under the solar sign ‘Tauras’. Lapis Lazuli is generally known to enhance love, peace, brotherhood, harmony, sympathy, and tenderness. It is also famous for its healing properties. Ancient Chinese society Lapis Lazuli was in use to make different ointments to heal. Lapis Lazuli protects from upcoming dangers. It provides relief from melancholy, depressing also from fevers and eye infections. It also protects from stomach and liver infections
Wholesale prices of Lajward/Lapis Lazuli Gemstone: Visit Astrokapoor’s office for buying the loose gemstones at wholesale prices of Lajward/Lapis Lazuli gemstone.