Soulmate (Tantric Twin)
soulmate is a crystal and it does exactly as it name suggests – It draws a Soulmate to your side, although this Soulmate may not be a sexual partner. Soulmate crystals are very unique and help to develop a good bond between people who can be a Soulmate in life further. Soulmate crystals, or tantric twins, are a pair of crystals which is approximately the same size and grows from a common base, joined together along one side but with distinct and separate terminations. Tantric means “union of energies”. Soulmate crystals are very beneficial for all kinds of relationships and they help two people to come closer and form intimate relationship.
Soulmate crystals carries very powerful message and helps one to form a bond between two people into a close and intimate relationship. They teach how to be unique and separate, while united in equal partnership. To be in a successful union, you need to be comfortable with yourself. If not, you will project your unresolved issues onto your partner. Tantric twins help you to know and accept yourself. As a result, interdependence and deep intimacy with another person are possible.A twin crystal of unequal size sections is useful when working on a relationship such as mother-dughter, father-son, employer-employee and it helps more unconditional love to manifest in the situation and brings the two people into greater harmony.
A true tantric twin crystal has two absolutely identical crystals aligned side by side. It is an excellent stone for two people working together as equals, whether spiritually or materially. They can also be used to harmonize and integrate the different levels of the self. A double terminated tanric twin is the perfect stone for ascension-raising your vibration, it brings the higher self into line with the soul’s purpose in life.
Healing – It is a powerful healer. Can be used to treat goiters and dispel bloating. Soulmate is very useful for removing the negative tendencies in relationships and helps to form strong bond of love between two people. This is very beneficial for newly married couple who wants to attain maximum amount of love and warmth in relationship by forming a bond similar to Soulmate.
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