Rahul at a restaurant where Saturn is the waiter!
Waiter – what do you like to have? Anything special?
Rahul – Ye!, I would like to have a veg momo and a bowl of veg soup…..Yummy! Waiter – okay sure
After a few minutes the waiter comes with chicken fried rice and chilly chicken
Rahul – I did not order this!!!!! You must be mistaken. I am vegetarian.
Waiter – This is Saturn, I am going through the gandanta phase now. You did order this and I delivered it to you.
Rahul – No! You are mistake, I have not ordered this.
Waiter – Well, you did order it 2300 lifetimes ago. I have noted it down long back. I have delivered I now. Eat it or walk away!
This is the result of our Karma. The harm done, never reply us back immediately. It may take time but it reverts back with force. Our good deeds and bad deeds both pay us at correct time when we forget our deeds.