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Role of Nakshatras

Role of Nakshatras

Role of Nakshatras is impeccable. Each nakshatras possess certain wishes or desires and those born under them are inclined to have the same characteristics. In the Vedas, each nakshatras reflects the wishes, which those are worship by the deity and its Nakshatra will gain. The information is very crucial for a deeper understanding of the Nakshatras and it mainly considers the position of the Moon in the chart.

Ashiwini nakshatra grant the power of hearing on the outer and inner levels and this is the reason this nakshatra has secret and miraculous power. In the Vedic system of astrology, the 27 constellations and not the 12 star-sign are the key to understand celestial influences on our planet. These 27 constellations are known as Nakshatras, which are usually 300 to 400 light years away from earth.

The term “Nakshatra” if broken down into its constituent parts means , “sky” and “shetra”, meaning “region”, and translate into “Sky Map”. Another transition can be arrived at using different dissection; such as “naksha” is “map” and “tara” is “star” and so Nakshatra is “Star Map”. Both these meanings show that in the eyes of the ancient Vedic Indian seers, the 27 Nakshatras and not the 12 zodiacal star-signs map the sky.

The system of constellations is very ancient and it is somewhat 5,000 years as they were referred to the oldest Veda. These lunar mansions were in the Chinese and the Arabic astrology but have not received and attention in Western or European astrology. Each of the 27 Nakshatras consists of 13 degree and 20 minutes of the zodiac.

The Nakshatras can be classified into various ways as per the basic attribute, primary motivation such as kama-sensual desires; Artha-material desires; Dharma-living life based on spiritual principles and Moksha-liberation from birth and death.

If we talk about the Nakshatra and the signs of the zodiac from the same point, the beginning of the first Nakshatra, or constellation of Ashwini, the first Nakshatra, is the same as that of the first sign of Aries and each sign contains the combined influence of the Nakshatra.

The planets are the cosmic creative powers. Each planet has a some special forces and the planets do make their impact on the zodiac field. This specialized circle is divided by the signs of the Nakshatras and is the negative or the passive field of influences.

Prakriti is the force that helps to sustain the general background of the zodiac and produces the basic conditions on which the seeds sprinkled by Purushs fructify and grow. The Nakshatras and the signs of the zodiac are the passive creative potency whereas the planets are the creative or generating forces.

In Vedic astrology, the personality traits are taken as more important through the birth star of the nakshatra than by the Sun sign. Nakshatra positions of planets are examined in the birth chart also. The use of Nakshatra is very important in Vedic astrology. Revati nakshatra posses its own quality, so the other nakshatras.

Vedic astrology is a very old science and it used the planetary periods called as Dasha of various planets on the Moon nakshatra at the time of birth. Most important to see is the Vimshottari Dasha, 1 120-year long cycle of planetary positions based on the birth Nakshatra. The planetray period of Vedic astrology also gives a comprehensive system for judging the effects of planets throughout our lives.

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