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About Black Jet

About Black Jet

Black Jet
Jet is a semiprecious stone which is formed from fossilized wood. It looks more like coal. Jet is used as a talisman since Stone Age times. Jet helps to draw off negative energies and removes unwanted fears. It is a stone of protection. It guards against violence and illness. Jet is considered excellent for spiritual alignment.

Jet is found worldwide but especially in United States. It is readily available.

Benefits of Black Jet Gemstone
Jet is used to open psychic experiences and to assist in the quest for spiritual alignments. Traditionally, Jet jewelry was said to become part of the body of the wearer. It is used in the healing of glandular and lymphatic swelling.
Jet stabilizes finances and protects the wearer from any financial loss. It can be placed in a cash box or the wealth corner of the house for business premises.

Black Jet Gemstone in Medical Astrology and Gems Therapy
Jet is used traditionally since ancient times in the treatment of various disease and ailments. This stone strengthens the circulatory system of the heart. It is helpful for conditions affecting the nervous system. It calms epilepsy and soothes joint pain. Jet stimulates the immune system.
In gems therapy, Jet is used in the treatment of nervous tension and emotional disturbance. Jet cures mental worries. It removes negative thoughts and calms mind.
Jet is used since ancient time in the treatment of insomnia, psychic attack, epilepsy, and dyslexia.

One can visit Astrokapoor’s office to buy Certified loose Black Jet Gemstone in Wholesale Prices



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