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Prashant Kapoor Astrologer

The Reawakening of Sanatan Dharma: A Call to Responsibility

In January 2024, the long-awaited re-establishment of the Ram temple in Ayodhya marked a significant milestone for Sanatan Dharma. This historic event came after many years of struggle and sacrifices from countless people. It symbolizes a renewed awareness and respect for Sanatan Dharma, which is deeply rooted in ancient traditions and values.

The Importance of Safeguarding Sanatan Dharma

With this newfound awareness, an important question arises: Should we now forget our responsibilities to safeguard Sanatan Dharma? We must ask ourselves if we are sure that Sanatan Dharma will never face threats in the future. As India grows into a powerful nation, it will inevitably face various challenges and crises. It is predicted that by 2031, India will have a significant influence on global decisions. However, despite this power, challenges will continue to arise.

The Predictions of Rahu Mahadasa

From September 10, 2032, according to astrological predictions, India will enter a period called Rahu Mahadasa. This period is believed to bring significant changes and potential difficulties. It is important to understand that the future may not remain the same as today.

The Decline in Voter Turnout

As human beings, we often seek comfort and become complacent. For instance, recent news indicates that the percentage of Hindu voters has decreased by 10-12%. Despite this decline, many Hindus do not turn up to vote, showing a lack of responsibility in protecting Sanatan Dharma.

The Role of Jyotish and Responsibility

Ignoring our responsibilities can lead to negative consequences. Just as nature does not protect us if we do not take care of it, neglecting our duties can result in the loss of Sanatan Dharma. The question then is: Can we save Sanatan Dharma with this attitude? Astrology, specifically Jyotish, provides guidelines for a better life. It teaches us that if we take good times for granted, they will not last. For example, if the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) predicts a natural disaster, the government takes measures to protect people. Similarly, we must take proactive steps to protect our traditions and values.

Starting from September 10, 2032, the influence of Rahu Mahadasa may lead India into a period of extremism. History shows that places like Kerala, Kashmir, and West Bengal have faced severe incidents of extremism. In astrology, Hinduism is connected with Lord Jupiter, Christianity and Sikhism with Ketu, and Islam with Lord Venus. Rahu’s influence is often associated with extremism. This raises a critical question: Could an extreme Islamic leader form the government in 2032? If the Hindu voter turnout continues to decline, as seen in recent elections, the possibility of such a scenario increases.

The decline in voter turnout reflects a troubling apathy towards the responsibility of protecting Sanatan Dharma. When people become complacent, even nature fails to offer its protection. The teachings of Jyotish provide guidelines for a better life, emphasizing the importance of not taking good times for granted. Just as governments take preventive measures based on IMD’s predictions of natural calamities, society must remain vigilant to safeguard its cultural and spiritual heritage.

The Threat of Extremism

The onset of Rahu Mahadasa could potentially lead India into a period of extremism. The critical question is whether the nation will be able to save its Sanatan values with the current attitude of indifference. This period demands proactive measures to ensure that all religions coexist harmoniously. The government must implement laws fostering unity and mutual respect among different communities.

If India fails to address these concerns, the risk of extreme Islamic power rising in 2032 cannot be ruled out. It is imperative for every Indian to prioritize national interest over religious differences, fostering an environment where diverse beliefs can thrive together. Only by embracing this inclusive approach can India ensure a stable and prosperous future for all its citizens, protecting the essence of Sanatan Dharma amidst changing times.


In conclusion, the re-establishment of the Ram temple is a reminder of our rich cultural heritage and the need to safeguard it. As India progresses towards becoming a global power, it must remain vigilant and responsible. By doing so, we can protect Sanatan Dharma and ensure a harmonious future for all.



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