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Black Obsidian

Black Obsidian

Buy Certified Black Obsidian Gemstone
Black Obsidian is very protective gem stone and is excellent for removing negativity. It is a black gemstone with glassy lusture. As a black color it, indicates self control and resistance. It is used since long decade for making tools, masks, weapons, mirrors and jewelry.

Black Obsidian is found in Iceland, Italy, Japan and Hawaii. It can also give you an excellent protection against psychic attacks. It has an excellent healing property. It sharpens and focuses your internal and external vision, and helps get in touch with buried issues before they explore.

Black Obsidian is related to root chakra. Obsidian is a gemstone without boundaries or limitations. It results very fast and with great power. It is a strongly protective stone, and it forms a shield against negativity. It is an excellent stone for doing spiritual and healing work. Black Obsidian forces you to face up to one’s truth. Black Obsidian calms down imbalance quality of a person. This is an excellent stone to remove disharmony.

Black Obsidian Gemstone Benefits
It is considered to be a grounding stone and is used in Fengshui for healing north Bagua.
It reveals the darkness and brings light in the soul.
It promotes calmness and peace.
It is the stone for the soft and gentle people of this world.
It helps to relieve old loves.
It gives clarity of mind.
It helps to overcome from emotional trauma.

Black Obsidian in Gems Therapy
It is good for the intestine.
It removes viral and bacterial infections.
It aids in digestion.
It reduces pain of arthritis, cramps.
It cures liver problem and jaundice.
It can be used to shrink enlarged prostrate

In healing, Black Obsidian if placed on navel part helps to bring energy into the body. It can draw all the scattered energy and promotes emotional release.



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