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Chandra Grahan and Its Effects

Chandra Grahan and its Effects- February 2017

Chandra Grahan and its Effects- February 2017
Chandra Grahan is an eclipse formed by the Moon. There is two types of eclipse that are known till now, Solar eclipse and the Lunar eclipse. As the Sun and the Moon is the most important planets in planetary world, they also holds a special significance in astrological science. Two lunar eclipses are going to take place in February 2017 between 11 to 12 February. These two eclipses will forecast both the good and the bad effect on a person.

Chandra Grahan on 10 -11 February
This graham will commence at midnight and will stay till 11 February According to Nasa, this is a penumbral eclipse. This eclipse will not be visible from any part of India.

Effect on Zodiac sign
This Chnadra Grahan will leave an impact on each zodiac sign but not so prominently because it is will not be properly visible. Yet it is advised to follow proper spiritual guidance and pujas on the day of eclipse.

It is good to follow certain remedies for Chandra Grahan. Enchanting of certain mantras “ Om Namah Narayana”or “ Mrutyajaya Mantra” can help in removing certain obstacles in future. Enchanting these mantras when Sun and Moon is under the influence of Rahu is very useful for the same.

Precaution during Chandra Grahan
• Eating and drinking should be avoided during Grahan
• Avoid any scared acts during eclipse
• Do not touch divine idols and do not go in the open space
• Take bath after completion of Grahan and then make fresh food for eating.

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