Cuprite value and jewelry information would help us to know about the jewlery made of cuprite and what value does each jewelry possess. It is also known as red gemstones due to its unusual reddish tinge colour.
Where is Cuprite Found
Cuprite is a mineral found in gems. Poorly cut cuprites appear as dark and dull and the quality cutting brings out the striking red colors and near metallic luster and also boosts their value.Cuprite carries lot of value because it gives good shades to the gemstone.
It has been found that crystals of cuprite (copper oxide ) are typically too small and they are also opaque mixed with copper-bearing minerals, such as malachite, chrysocolla and azurite. Cuprite is also mixed with copper ore to form as a patina on copper and bronze artifacts.
Sometimes, cuprite often pseudomorphs into malachite, means it has a chemistry similar to malachite while retaining cuprite’s external crystal form. In the reflected light, cuprites may appear as bluish and in transmitted light, cuprites can show their deep red colours.
Properties of Cuprite
Sometimes, there is a belief that Cuprite is toxic but it is not so. It is toxic in the raw form but not in the polished form.
Cuprites have very high refractive index of 2.848 and specific gravity of 6-6.14, and this usually helps to differentiate cuprites from gemstones with similar color and appearance, especially more popular red gemstones like garnets, rubies and spinels. However, other rare red gemstones of similar appearances – such as proustites, rutiles and wulfenites also have over limit refractive index that overlaps of cuprite.
Cuprites have a deep brownish color and sometimes also found in light brown color. It should be notes that streak testing is destructive and should only be conducted as a last resort for identification and never on a finished gem.
Cuprite is an isometric crystal and has no birefringence or pleochroism, but some traces may also be present. Polishing faceted crystal with diamond paste may leave surface deformations that can cause anomalous birefringence.
Synthesis of Cuprite
Cuprite is synthesized by the scientists for various purposes, including research and into anti-fouling pains, the removal of patinas from bronze archeological finds, and other chemical and mineralogical processes. Artisan has used cuprite for colouring the glass bead since ancient times and the practice continues even in modern times. Buy Gemstones online at wholesale prices
As a mineral, cuprite occurs in many locations. However, to date, only one locality i.e. Onganja, Namibia has produced blood red crystals transparent and large enough to facet. But now, this mine has been closed and doesn’t produce enough cuprite. Other good sources of cuprite includes: United States, Montana, New Mexico, Santa Rita, Pennsylvania and Utah.
Use of Cuprite
Cuprite cannot be worn in a raw form. It is synthesized properly in the factory to be used as a gemstone. Cuprite jewelry is worn for enhancing the beauty of the beauty of other precious gemstone. jewelry made of Cuprite is used since long time by the sailors as a talisman to protect themselves from the negative aspect and negative fallout. Apart from the beauty prospect, it is also used for healing the disease associated with the neck and thyroid gland.
Care of Cuprite
It has a hardness of 3.5 to 4, and it scratches easily and are not suitable for jewelry use. Over time, it also loses colour from exposure to light. Therefore, we should use protective settings for any cuprite jewelry pieces and reserve them for occasional evening wear. We should clean the gems only with water and mild detergent. Use soft brush for cleaning.
But we have to beware about the dust of Cuprite. Due to heavy copper content, the dust of cuprite is toxic and if accidentally ingested, it could lead to acute distress, like vomiting and kidney damage. So, faceters should wear protective masks and, ideally, use a glove box to prevent inhaling or ingesting cuprite particles during cutting, polishing, and cleaning.
It is not with the cuprite only, the cutting of gemstone releases large amount of dust and smoke, therefore, the factors should wear proper masks during mining of the gemstones.