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Leo Love Horoscope 2020 Predictions

Leo Love Horoscope 2020 Predictions

The year 2020 will be good for Leo moon sign and the stars will be favoring more than ever. Those who haven’t stepped in to a lovely relationship yet will end up finding a suitable partner this year.  The last quarter of the year will be favorable for you if you want to propose to someone.

Remember, your words are going to be a deal breaker this year. It may result in a union or heartbreak. The committed ones might have to pass through the testing times and patience and hard work will be required on your part to maintain the warmth in the relationship. Let’s see what more 2020 have in to explode:

Leo love horoscope 2020 for Singles

The year 2020 is the right time for the Leos to propose their long-term crush and there are possibilities of getting hitched with the person of your choice. Singles, this year is going to be the luckiest for you in terms of love and relationship.

There are also high chances of an ex-lover making a re-entry in your life around the mid of the year. It will be completely upon you whether you want a re-union with that person or not.

You may find a suitable partner while interacting at workplace through the pursuit of the health and fitness goals. Keep the doors open for the love of your life to make an entry!

Jupiter, Rahu, Saturn and Ketu planetary movements are going to have a positive impact on your romance ventures.  The period 9th January to 13th February is suitable for the Leo singles to tie the knot.

Leo love horoscope 2020 for Committed

Saturn that is manipulating your love and romance aspect in 2020 will result in unfavorable situations and your relationship will be going through test of time.

You will need to work on your relationship with patience for retaining the essence of relationship and trust. With planetary transitions, you will hardly be able to make time for your partner as a result of which your relationship will suffer.

During the phase May-September 2020, the things will go down the hill and your relationship will feel the blows of lack of love, fun and romance. This phase is however a bit of challenging phase which you need to deal with a calm composure.

There are chances of getting entangled in extra-marital affairs during the phase. Keep away from such things and direct your attention towards your partner’s emotional needs. You need to be conscious especially in the month of September.

Patience and Calm Composure is the Key to Harmony: Leo love horoscope 2020

You need to keep a check on your temperament and adopt a calm mindset while dealing with the matters of heart in 2020. The challenging period in your love life will actually make the bond stronger than ever. Avoid engaging in heated arguments with your spouse that could harm your relationship severely.

Hope you enjoyed reading your Love horoscope 2020. If you desire to have a detailed insight and astrological solutions for the same then you can contact the best astrologer, Astro Kapoor.



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