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seraphinite gemstone

Seraphinite Gemstone

Seraphinite gemstone is found in green color appeared as silvery feathers within the darker stone, often small and polished. It is available rarely and sourced from Siberia.

Seraphinite if placed on the third eye or mediated with, is a stone of spiritual enlightenment and is excellent for accessing self-healing. It is one of the crystals for making angelic connection and for opening the crown and higher crown chakras. This stone promotes living from the heart and has a gentle cleansing effect on the heart chakra, opening to love.
Its feathery wings whisk you up to high spiritual vibration and it is excellent for making journeys out of the body, protecting the physical body while you are gone. It can also assist with reviewing the progress of life and with identifying the changes needed to put you on the path to peace and fulfillment.

Healing – Seraphinite works at best at s subtle level. It activates the spinal cord and its links to the etheric body especially behind the heart and can release muscle tension up into neck. It is useful for overcoming chills and for promoting weight loss.

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