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Significance of Garbha Gauri Nepali Rudraksha

Significance of Garbha Gauri Nepali Rudraksha

Garbha Gauri Rudraksha is very beneficial for getting material benefit in life. It brings peace and happiness in life of the wearer. It is excellent for improving bad relation between husband and wife. It increases love and affection between marital partners. It should also be worn by the couple who are childless. guidelines to buy natural garbha gauri rudraksha in given in this article.

Importance of Garbha Gauri Nepali Rudraksha

Visually, it is conjoint as Gauri Shankar Rudraksha. It removes the entire obstacle and helps to succeed in all spheres of life. It makes a person fearless and improves self confidence and self-esteem.
Commonly available Garbh Gauri Rudraksha is not from Nepal, but from Sri Lanka and South India. This belongs to the same family, but the genus is Bhadraksha. Bhadrakshas are the cousin of Rudraksha, but not very powerful. Garbh Gauri Rudraksha from Nepal is very rare to find and has immense power. It is very useful for leaders and politician. It blesses a person with health, wealth and prosperous life.

Power of Garbha Gauri Rudraksha

This is the supreme Rudraksha that denotes Lord Ganesha and Parwati.
It blesses a person with all worldly desire. It helps to attain self confidence and low self-esteem.
It provides all Spiritual, Physical, and Mental benefit to the wearer. It gives all worldly comfort to the wearer.

Astrological Significance of Garbha Gauri Rudraksha

Ruling Lord-Lord Parwati and Ganesha
Ruling Planet-Sun

Garbh Gauri Rudraksha Test

There are various tests for Rudraksha, which is used to test its originality.
Thermometer Test- This test is the easiest test that can be done by anyone, to check its originality.
Place Rudraksha in a glass with small amount of water. Record the temperature after 30 minutes. You will observe 1 or 2 degree centigrade rise in temperature. This shows that the bead is original.

Buy Natural Garbha Gauri Rudraksha wish to buy

If you want to buy natural Garbha Gauri Rudraksha, you can visit We have our own rudraksha tree in Nepal and all the rudraksha bead is transported directly from Nepal. You should be careful before buying Rudraksha bead because there are many gemstone sellers who sell carved artificial Rudraksha bead. Therefore it is essential to buy Garbha Gauri Rudraksha bead from a certified seller.



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