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Twelfth House In Astrology

The Twelfth House In Astrology

The twelfth house in astrology is commonly referred as the House of the Unconsciousness. The Unconscious state can help engender our successes, as well as assist us in coping with our failures. Success vs. failure: do we consciously confront our lives or subconsciously sweep things under the proverbial rug? This House might more aptly be called the House of Reckoning, since it is the twelfth that we review what we have been and decide where we go from there.

Our subconscious works hard on our behalf, trying to make sense of our lives. This shadow play is slow and long, and often fraught with fear and pain. It is in this context that we are confronted with our sorrows, suffering and secrets we keep from ourselves and from others. Ultimately, we are also confronted with our fate: karma. Here we meet up with the results of everything we have done. This further puts the focus on repressed agendas and restraint. What have we wrought with in our lives? The Twelfth house in astrology denotes the future death and birth cycle. The Twelfth house in astrology is also for the losses we suffer in life.

We can learn much from the Unconscious. In its most noble manifestation, we will be prompted to be charitable. If we learn our lessons, both past and present, we are also better equipped to move forward. Twelfth house in astrology is remarkable in its sense. The Twelfth house in astrology also denotes losses.

The last house of the zodiac also recognizes that we can feel bound in life-stuck and confined. For this reason, this House rules jails, hospitals, institutions, asylums and any space that inhibits freedom. More gloomies in the Twelfth comes in the form of danger, secret, enemies and clandestine.

While some may consider twelfth house as the garbage bin of the zodiac, it’s really an unfair term. Ultimately, this House is the champion of positive transformations. It is here that we stand on the precipice and determine how we will proceed. The Twelfth house in astrology has its own significance.

The twelfth house is ruled by the Sign Pisces and the planet Jupiter and Neptune.

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