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corporate astrologer

What is Corporate Astrology

Corporate astrology involves the use of specialized analysis of corporate solutions. By specific analysis accordingly, solution is made. The astrological analysis helps to identify the strong area of investment. Other areas are also analyzed before any final solution. Corporate astrology decides the right business by studying the Birth Chart/Horoscope of the Head of the Organization/Company/Firm and the main personnel involved in the organization. The combination of these astrological analysis helps to identify the proper business line prospect for the client

Suitability In Corporate Astrology

The suitability of a specific person for a suitable job is identified. It is done by the horoscope analysis. Availability of the project, finance, and stock market is also analyzed by Corporate Astrologers.

Team Building – Team building analysis is done for achieving the synergies of multi-discipline specialities.
In Corporate Astrology it is essential to know that if the Head of the organization/Partners/Board of Directors which runs a company are compatible to each other. It helps to maximize to achieve the best.

In any organization, getting the “Right Person” at the “Right Post” is an important criteria for smooth functioning of any organization. Apart from the academic education & Skills certain basic qualities as honesty, loyalty, hardship, team building, positivity, enthusiasm etc are the added qualities to judge an interview. It is also important to know that the type of the business matches with the company’s Head/Owner.
Corporate Astrology helps to analyze the new venture of the Company’s investment, product launching, company branching and muhurarta. Corporate Astrology stands any business in a global market as a top leader.

Preventive Measures for Corporate Success

Our Corporate Astrologer do the preventive analysis and advice is also given to become successful in any business. Various planets govern the managerial attribute. If the horoscope of the new entrant is studied well, then proper guidance can be given to the concerned person. Corporate Astrology is a blessing in this corporate world to become a global leader.

Expertise of Corporate Astrology

Astrokapoor Group of astrologers has proved expertise in Vaastu/Feng Sui, Numerology, Prasna Kundli/Horary astrology and are known for their exact predictions and for remedies. Astrologer Prashant Kapoor is a recognized Corporate Astrologer worldwide famous through his predictions especially in Medical Astrology and Corporate Astrology. He is an IT professional and is capable of understanding the corporate culture and management eventually gives the best corporate solution. In a very short time he has gained recognition in many companies as a Corporate Astrologer. He is giving his corporate solutions to IT companies, Real estate companies, factories/industries, hospitals/health industries, film industries, politicians, media, show business etc. Due to his excellent quality, expertise, desire for continuous enhancement of knowledge and worth mentioning his result oriented approach led him to achieve success and recognition in Corporate World as a renowned Corporate Astrology.



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