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Jupiter retrogression 2020

Jupiter Retrogression In Capricorn 14 May 2020

Retrogression indicates that the relative speed of the planets have changed to the extent that they emerge themselves to be going backwards. It is not that the planet changes its direction of its movement. So Jupiter Retrogression means the planet Jupiter has become slow in the orbit where it is currently travelling. The retrogression of Jupiter will start on May 14th 2020, at 20.04 hrs on Uttarashada Nakshatra, Dusra Charan, and will continue till 12 September 2020.  Jupiter retrograde 2020 has a very beneficial impact. It makes a mellifluous trine aspect to the planet Sun, which brings growth, good luck, and happiness. Jupiter retrograde signifies a period of intense inner growth. It is a chance to rejuvenate with one’s inner happiness, indivisible inner truth.

Characteristics of Jupiter 

Jupiter represents the Guru or teacher; it is an aspirant of pursuing knowledge that increases the horizon of consciousness. Jupiter constitutes the higher mind and goes beyond one’s known boundaries—whether literally or metaphorically—and into an innovation and world of the unknown. Jupiter is the largest planet of the solar system and is also the largest in its ideas. Some of the keywords of Jupiter are virtue, gratitude, hope, glory.It helps in marriage.

Impact of Jupiter Regression on world especially India

During this time, the country will have the capacity to resume works and projects that were earlier left incomplete. There is also a possibility of public resentment and disturbances at this time as the economic scenario is on setback. During this time India’s international alliances can also be strengthened.

Individual Zodiac influenced by Saturn Retrograde


You may have to navigate intense differences of opinion within your career or regarding your public reputation.  Remember that what you focus on becomes the reality you create, so learn to let go the things which are not for the benefit of your growth. The period from May to September 2020 will witness ups and downs in your financial life, but stay focussed as the situation will be better after the month of October 2020.


It’s possible that despite your best efforts you could find yourself entangled in some socio-cultural or political disputes regarding foreign cultures, religion or legal issues.  Your financial life will not see many ups and downs. Refrain from lending money to anyone. Concentrate on your health and the wellbeing of yours near and dear ones.


Dear Gemini the period of Jupiter retrogression will bring opportunities in your career but will also bring confusion in your mind to intellectually choose one. Your workweeks need to be structured, scheduled properly which will give you proper directions. Your excellent communication skill will always help to conquer any odd situation.


This retrograde will focus on your close relationships, including best friends, romantic and business partnerships. In this period your income will remain stable, do not indulge in unnecessary expenses. Your health condition will be stable. Be wise and stay away from those people who are envious of your success.


The period of retrogression will witness some positive development like perk, promotion and some achievements in the field of career. Take proper care of your health. Maintain your calmness while making an important decision be it in a professional field or family.


My dear Virgo, you can make use of energy from Capricorn, if you are focussed and determined to do so.  Success in business is on the cards and you may have some monetary gains. A change in job may likely to happen. But in all these scenarios do not neglect your health.


It looks like there may be some turmoil on your home front, dear Libra. You will continue to live in tensions as numerous obstacles are there for you to overcome. Keep alive your hard work and positive energy flowing as it may give some fruitful results. Keep an eye on your health as it demands your attention.


Dear Scorpio, some favourable changes will come on your career but you can make use of this opportunity only with your careful attitude. Be smart and manage your relationship diplomatically.


Retrogression will bring some good fortune in your business, where you can make some investment and earn profit. But you need to be cautious while taking any financial decision. You have always maintained a candid expression, for which people have appreciated you but time demands you to think and understand the unintended consequences of your expression. Sagittarius horoscope


During this period of retrogression your long-term financial prospects show to be fine, but you have to be cautious about your expenses on travel, and medication. Always be alert about conspiracies on your work field, be wise while entertaining people around you.


Dear Aquarius, take care of your health and stay away from any addiction. This phase will witness ups and downs in your career. Stay focussed and you will be rewarded with some financial gains once this retrogression period is over.


This period of retrogression will bring some achievements for you which will enhance career and wealth. Entrepreneurs and businessmen will receive a favourable situation. Be kind to others and also concentrate on the wellbeing of your health.

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