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lucky color for 2018

Lucky Color for Year 2018 for all Zodiac Signs

Every person is unique and with remarkable characteristics. The people are ruled by the planets and the prospect and further growth depends on the ascendants and the placement of planets in the horoscope. 2018 is a very important year related to various astrological events. Considering various aspect of astrology, here is the lucky colors for each zodiac sign in the year 2018.

Lucky color for Aries
In 2018, there will be good transition of Saturn and Venus. Saturn will demand hard work and punctuality from you. This is a good year for wearing yellow and shades of saffron.

Lucky color for Taurus
Saturn and Venus will be in a state of combustion in tenth house. Sun in the tenth can bring success and great movement in your life. Saturn will demand hard work. The lucky color for you this year is the shades of yellow.

Lucky color for Gemini
Venus will bring luck as it will rise in the middle of the year. Mercury retrograde can bring some unfavorable period in your life. The position of Jupiter in the sixth house can bring some challenge in your family and the personal life. Pale blue and pink is the favorable color for you this year.

Lucky color for Cancer
Saturn in the seventh house may bring some trouble in your life. The good position of Mars and Jupiter will bring good luck. Maintain the balance in your thought while Mars is retrograde. Orange and white is the lucky color for this year.

Lucky color for Leo
Jupiter will be in a favorable position throughout the year. It will bring new growth and opportunities. Saturn will teach some good lessons in life. Gold, orange and white are the lucky colors for 2018.

Lucky color for Virgo
Saturn will come out of combustion in second week of January. This will move your career to a great height. The transition of Mars in the second half of the year may bring loads and stress. Some lucky colors for 2018 are orange, white, grey and yellow.

Lucky color for Libra
In this year Saturn and Venus will combust in your sign. This will not give any good result to your sign. Mars transit in May bring some positive effect in your life. Blue and green are the lucky colors for 2018.

Lucky color for Scorpio
Jupiter will be moving from the beginning of the year with Mars, this is a good sign for you. Saturn in the third eye may compel you to think with clarity and understanding. Try to avoid any new thing in this year. Red, scarlet and rust colors are the favorable in this year.

Lucky color for Sagittarius
The ticklish position of Saturn may compel you to manage things properly and with proper ease. Mars transition may bring some unexpected expenses in your life. Think twice before taking any decision. Pink. Red, purple and violet are lucky colors for year 2018.

Lucky color for Capricorn
In this year, majority of planets are in combustion. In the second week of January, Saturn may bring good opportunities in your life. You may come across job change or some land change. Brown, steel grey and black may favor you this year.

Lucky color for Aquarius
For whole year, Saturn will be placed in the twelfth house. Try to look for the right decision and don’t take any decision in haste. Jupiter will help to gain stability this year. Blue, green, black and blue-green may be the favorable color for year 2018.

Lucky color for Pisces
Jupiter will be viewing your sign for most part of the year. You’ll strike great accomplishments during this year. There can be some good changes in your life. Sea green, violet, purple and lilac may be the favorable color for you this year.



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