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Powerful mantra for love

Powerful Mantra for Love

Love is an essential tablet in the martial life. Absence of love can make relationship hung and charism of marriage may be lost. If you’re facing lack of love due to some valid reasons such as busy work schedule, some mental pressure and so on, you can get back the love back by chanting some mantras that are energized only for increasing love between partners.

The mantra ” Kleem ” has some serious power of attraction under its hood which can be used by both men and women to attract new relationships, friends and what not.

This is a short one word mantra for attraction and one which is easy to chant unlike some other mantras where it becomes quite difficult to chant due to the complicated pronunciations.We are social animals as we are human beings and like to hung around with others. Sometimes we end up being single and we might think that world has stopped noticing us – as they roam around invisible to the opposite sex.

This mantra has red color- the color of the Muldhara Chakra. It is the first chakra of the spine up ward and the meeting place of the three nadis , i.e. Ida, Pingala and Sushmna.This chakra is associated with the earth plane of existence and the primary one behind all kinds of physical manifestations in this plane of existence. This mantra of attraction thus has the power to enhance and fasten the physical manifestations in life.

Powerful Mantra for Love

Kleem ||
How to chant this Hindu mantra for Love

Chant the mantra like –Kleeeeeem (keep on M for a longer period)

8 Benefits of Chanting the Kleem Mantra
1) It harmonizes aura and enrgy.
2) Helps to attract new friends and new relations.
3) Helps to attract all around abundance and material success in life.
4) Helps increasing natural charm of the chanter.

This bija mantra gives immense benefits to the person. It can enhance the power of the weaker mantra leading to success. The keleem Mantra is excellent for bringing attraction between the partners. Sometimes you may not get the effect of the Kleem mantra instant, this may be due to the negative karma attached to you from the past. Thus you should not stop if you feel its taking long time usual.

Another thing to be cautious with the mantra is – kleem is that – it may bring a sudden unexpected relationship in your life – once you start doing the chanting if some Venus and Saturn complication is in your horoscope.But be careful while chanting the mantra what you were looking for. So do be careful before saying yes to it. Measure the pros and cons before you jump into it.



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