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Yellow Sapphire Gemstone In Delhi

Yellow Sapphire Gemstone in Delhi

Yellow Sapphire Gemstone belongs to Jupiter. Jupiter is the planet of growth and expansion. It is also called as Guru or teacher of the Gods. Jupiter is given special place in the kingdom of planets. It is a gigantic and self-illuminating planet and significator of luck and fortune. Also known as Brisphati, represents wisdom and religion in human life. This planet occupies a special place in Vedic astrology. The gemstone associated with this planet is Yellow Sapphire or Peela Pukhraaj. You can get best quality Yellow Sapphire Gemstone In Delhi.

Introduction to the Yellow Sapphire

Yellow Sapphire also called as Peela Pukhraaj has positive power of Jupiter. It is also called as Pushparagam. It is also well known as ‘push raja’ in Sanskrit. In some local language, it is also called as Petmani.

Yellow Sapphire is a very powerful gemstone as it represents power of Jupiter. It is believed to increase the financial power and is most popular and beneficial gemstones in Navratnas. This is a powerful gemstone to bring good health, power, peace and prosperity in life of the wearer. In the Indian context, Yellow Sapphires are considered very auspicious s it brings peace, prosperity and ensures continuation of the family. Yellow Sapphire gemstone represents divine and spiritual grace.

What are the benefits of wearing yellow sapphire gemstone

Yellow Sapphire Gemstone is one of the safest gemstones. It is an auspicious gemstone for knowledge, growth and loving relationship. It helps to bring spiritual knowledge to the wearer.

It is a fact which has been mentioned in the Vedic texts that if married women wear yellow sapphire it helps to lead them a happy and lovely life with their husband. It signifies husband.

Yellow Sapphire gemstone helps to remove delay in marriage. It is one of the best gemstones, especially for academic life. Students who wear yellow sapphire gemstone can do well in their studies.

Buy Yellow Sapphire Gemstone Online in India

In addition to removing obstacles in marriage, it also helps to correct imbalance in relationships and serve as a valuable gemstone for wedding ring and engagement ring. It also represents happiness and joys in conjugal life. Yellow Sapphire Gemstone helps to unite separated lovers and renders marital bliss among the couple. The wearer of yellow sapphire stone helps one to get knowledge of ethics, wisdom, wit, long life, good health, food grains and paraphysical bliss. Get Gemstone Recommendation

 What to Look for in a Jyotish Quality Yellow Sapphire
  • The three most important colors in yellow sapphire stone is golden yellow, butter and light butter yellow color.
  • The clarity is exceptional in yellow sapphire but the gemstone with no heat treatment, no diffusion is the best gemstone.
  • The weight of yellow sapphire stone should be 2 carats and above.
Flaws to avoid in Yellow Sapphire
  • Avoid yellow sapphire with shade difference.
  • Avoid yellow sapphires with black inclusions.
  • Avoid yellow sapphire gemstone with web inclusions.
  • Avoid yellow sapphire that lacks luster and color.
  • Avoid yellow sapphire gemstones that are treated.

Buy Certified Yellow Sapphire Online



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